Sunday 29 August 2010

A single tree that has been around for many years all by itself, as if it is a person it is lonely with only birds for companionship.

Saturday 28 August 2010

a brilliant song


I love music one of my great passions but then again you would expect so being a musician. If only it were easy to be amazing but of course it isn't it takes a lot of practise. I'm not quite there yet but hopefully i'll get there eventually. Does anybody want to share something about music they love.

Friday 27 August 2010


A fantastic way to rediscover the internet or find out something new about it, i have found many amazing things through this site and i hope you will too.



I think it will be a long while before we can truly understand the concept and idea of time. Most people take time for granted but before they know it they've lost too much. How do you perceive time?